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Manchester, United Kingdom
Momentum Analytics : an exciting, brand new Manchester-based analytical thought bubble!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Can 80/20 ever become 60/40?

A general rule of business is that 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers. It's a naturally occuring rule, and even has a name (the Pareto Principle).

However, such a hard and fast rule may cause you to ask "Well, why should we waste time recruiting more business? We can afford to lose our smaller clients and coast on our bigger ones!". I'm sure you see the flaws in this logic. However, there are a couple of important points that not only address this misguided approach, but could actually give your business a shot in the arm.

100% of your clients have something in common. You. And although they may differ in a number of ways, you (as a service provider) are who they choose to fulfil their needs.

Also, because they have chosen you, they are comfortable to build a relationship with you, and you have their trust. However, the 20% that spend the most with you don't trust you more than the other 80% of your clients. They may simply have understood quickly that you can fulfill more of their needs.

The way to level up the Pareto Principle is to ensure that the further 80% are having all their needs met by your company, and also are aware that you can help them as service providers.

There are a number of ways to do this, and a consultant can help to implement a number of methods to address customer optimisation. However, by being intelligent with your up-sell and cross-sell offerings, whilst at the same time having effective retention strategies in place and (most importantly) learning from the data you own, you can begin to tip the balance in your favour.

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